Monday 13 January 2014

Back to college!

First day back at college today and it was great! It's so good to finally be back doing something and I shall be able to do many things this semester as I got a Tascam over the Christmas. The Tascam DR-100mkii and also a Rode NTG-2 mic. I haven't gotten the mic yet but the anticipation is killing me especially seeing as I haven't full gotten the opportunity to use my Tascam fully. But I guess I'll just have to wait until I go back to Sligo. Last Monday (the 6th) I went to Lahinch with a friend to see the waves that the storm was causing. They were pretty calm until high tide at around 9 and then there were constantly big waves hitting the promenade. A small gathering of people had come out to see the bi waves, a night out with the family to dangerously large waves was a good idea. One wave came up over two story houses beside the prom and needless to say everyone got soaked. For the rest of the week I did nothing but procrastinate doing my production design project. I'm building a steampunkesque engine for the model my group are making. I don't know why I procrastinated so much because when I got started making it I got right in to it. A few layers of paint and some detailing will make it look ultra tome. I look forward to finishing the model and I'll put up a picture or two on this for those who might have the smallest inkling of interest.
     Okay some films I saw recently, Cape Fear and The Wolf of Wall Street. Both I have to say are fantastic and well worth watching. Robert DiNiro in Cape Fear is amazing. He portrays the character so well and the story is filled with sick shit that really makes you question if the film should have been made or not, but it all makes for great cinema! Again Leo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street is brilliant. It's not as good as Cape Fear but it's three hours of good cinema. A bit bland in places in terms of cinematography but the acting, production and set design and the true story carry the film. You don't notice the hours go by and that's always a good thing!
     Oh! Before I forget I better keep the trend going and comment on the last two episodes of Sherlock! The Wedding episode was little different that what usually happens in Sherlock but it was good none the less and it was a clever murder with the invisible knife and who knew it Sherlock himself makes a good best man! Now the final episode, well it was again very different to past episodes but the story had a few twists that I didn't see coming and kept the story interesting. The trick with Watson in the hallway was a personal highlight. SPOILER ALERT! Moriarty at the end of the episode, what was all that about? I mean he's dead, like fully dead. My opinion is that he is dead and somebody is playing a ruse. I guess we'll see if I'm right when Season 4 comes out.

Game of Thrones, April 6th. The waiting begins.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Okay so Bloglovin yoke
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

There we go, isn't that nice.

First time for everything

I'm not actually German but there will be German here and there in my posts
. There's nothing in particular I want to write about just life and ting. Read on if you want or don't if you have something better to do but be warned that there will be double entendres and innuendos through out! em, nothing more for the moment because I STILL HAVE TO FINISH WATCHING THE NEW SHERLOCK. I know why am I making this when I could be watching Sherlock? I don't know but I'm going to do it now.